Page 8 - MTWI-Spring-2024
P. 8

8                                                                                    eleCtroniC edition: WWW.ManufaCturingtodayWi.CoM

                         Cte thriving at Muskego-norway schools

                                                                                to cut, rout, sand, stain, and polyurethane using
                                                                                a variety of hand tools. eighth-grade students in
                                                                                Mass  Manufacturing  not  only  work  with  these
                                                                                tools necessary to build and create, but one of the
                                                                                greatest lessons they learn is how to work well
                                                                                as a team.
                                                                                   every year, the class is tasked with coming
                                                                                up with a product to mass-produce. during the
                                                                                2022-23  school  year,  the  two  classes  (44  total
                                                                                students)  came  up  with  an  idea  to  mass-pro-
                                                                                duce  lake  denoon  timberwolf-themed  hook
                                                                                and ring games called hook N’ howl. students
                                                                                were divided into groups and were engaged with
                                                                                a variety of traditional and modern methods of
                                                                                technical education in order to create consistent
                                                                                products. there were also subgroups of students
                                                                                to package, market, and sell the product. every-
                                                                                one was involved in the decision-making process
                                                                                related to advertising and the overall game look.
                                                                                   “i  really  enjoyed  being  able  to  have  a
        Andrew Bavlnka                      can do as a team of women,” said Keira Petersen,   voice in every step of creating the product,” said
        Director of Secondary Student Learning  sophomore  drive  coach.  “We  didn’t  want  the   Khannar lee, an 8th grade student in Mass Man-
        Muskego-Norway Schools              event to be intimidating. robotics competitions   ufacturing. Khannar and his classmates began by   during  the  2023-24  school  year,  eighth-
                                            are  always  really  encouraging  and  welcoming.   rotating through each station to learn and experi-  grade  Mass  Manufacturing  students  created
        tWist — together, Women in          It’s  def nitely  a  positive  community,  so  every-  ence all parts of the production process. later in   over 90 mass-produced leash lodges and sold
                                            one is really supportive of each other.” eighteen
        steM thrive                         teams from Wisconsin and illinois signed up to   the course, they were able to choose which part   them to family and friends. the students were
                                                                                of the production process they wanted to continue
                                                                                                                   able  to  donate  a  portion  of  their  proceeds  to
            the Warriorbots, Muskego high school’s   participate in the tWist event. some teams had   to support. although students became “experts”   hoovers hause all dog rescue. the project this
        robotics team, participates in offseason compe-  students who were drivers for the f rst time, and   in  one  part  of  the  assembly  line  process,  they   year expanded to not only include Mass Manu-
        titions to improve their skills and work together   some teams were made up of two smaller teams   were familiar with all stations so they could work   facturing students, but students and staff across
        as a group. Last year, they hosted their f rst off-  in order to have enough girls to participate. the   outside of their assigned tasks when needed. “if   the  school.  seventh-grade  Kids  biz  students
        season  event  titled  tWist (together,  Women   requirement of having all-female drivers enabled   i or anyone else at my station were struggling,   designed print and digital media for the leash
        in  steM  thrive).  the  event  was  created  to   girls to take their skills to the next level.   we could always get help,” said Khannar. “and   lodge  and  advertisements,  eighth-grade  teen
        empower  female  students  to  participate  front-  Not  only  did  high  school  teams  form   we had to use the tools in a safe way. We had to   Cuisine  students  created  and  packaged  home-
        and-center in a predominantly male industry. in   alliances  to  compete  in  a  double-elimination   practice safety above all else.”  made  dog  treats,  f fth-grade   eneral  Music
        order to be a part of the tWist event, partici-  tournament, but the Warriorbots also included a   the whole process–design concept, testing   students composed and sang musical jingles for
        pating schools were required to have all-female   space for First lego league (Fll) teams made   and  improving,  producing,  packaging,  and   advertisements, and special education students
        drive teams. Drive teams generally include f ve   up of middle school students. “one of our favor-  selling–took  eight  weeks. together,  the  classes   packaged screws and wall anchors.
        students: two drivers, a coach, a technician, and   ite  parts  about  being  in  robotics  is  mentoring   created  60  games  and  sold  them  to  staff  and
        a human player. other members of the Warrior-  younger students,” said reagan bucholtz, senior   families. a portion of the sales was donated to
        bots, which includes a roster of 24 students and   human player. “it’s a great opportunity for them   the  Christmas  Clearing  Council  of  Waukesha
        10 mentors, helped with repairs and strategizing   to get started and hopefully continue into high   County.  the  classes  presented  their  donation
        in the pit and cheered the girls on to a f rst-alli-  school with us.”   during lunch, celebrating the entire process with
        ance captaincy and a second-place f nish.  robotics is much more than just designing   one f nal act of teamwork.
            “it’s a great opportunity to show off what we   and building a robot. students gain experience
                                            in  business,  marketing,  mentoring,  community
                                            outreach, and gaining a variety of steM skills.
                                            they  frequently  communicate  with  business
                                            partners to collaborate and fundraise in order to
                                            host events and purchase materials they need to
                                            succeed. “We all love what we do,” said Kierstin
                                            schlevensky,  one  of  the  Warriorbots  captains
                                            and robot co-pilot. “We are constantly learning
                                            so many new things and spreading the word on
                                            how incredible and passionate we really are as
                                            a team.”

                                            Mass Manufacturing class
                                            teaches teamwork

                                               technical education courses in middle and
                                            high school provide students with an introduc-
                                            tion to a variety of skills in the trades. at lake
                                            denoon  Middle  school,  students  in  grades
                                            5-8  start  working  with  tools  including  CNC
                                            machines and laser cutters. they also learn how
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