Page 10 - MTWI-Spring-2024
P. 10

10                                                                                   eleCtroniC edition: WWW.ManufaCturingtodayWi.CoM

                            luther High school receives generous grant that supports

                            advanced Manufacturing learning

                                                     tion  granted  over  $1,139,100  to   launch  this  new  ini-
                                                     luther to acquire state-of-the-art   tiative and to focus on
                                                     equipment and curriculum. this   involving  students  in
                                                     will provide ample opportunities   advanced  Manufac-
                                                     to  connect  students  with  high-  turing  learning  and
                                                     demand  and  high-wage  career   steM   education.
                                                     f elds and support student learn-  luther  high  school
                                                     ing  that  will  best  prepare  them   will  have  the  best
                                                     for their future.          facility,  curriculum,
                                                         the  significant  financial   and  instruction  that
                                                     contribution was provided fol-  focuses  on advanced
                                                     lowing  a  year  of  collaborative   M a n u f a c t u r i n g
                                                     efforts between the foundation,   learning  and  steM
                                                     college  and  industry  partners.   in the region.”
                                                     this  united  partnership  aims   luther   high
                                                     to  enhance  student  learning,   school  students  have
                                                     further  network  with  industry   the  opportunity  to
                                                     partners  throughout  the  com-  take  classes  targeted
                                                     munity, and allow transcripted,   directly   at   indus-
                                                     college  credits  and  industry   try  4.0  skills  that
                                                     recognized  certifications  such   includes  base  manufacturing  technologies,   sensors,  basic  welding  techniques,  metal
                                                     as  saCa (smart  automation   smart sensors and devices, control systems,   fabrication  techniques,  CNC  programming
                                                     Certification  alliance)  to  be   connectivity,  networking,  automation,  and   and machining, and plasma cutting.
                                                     earned and transfer seamlessly   data analytics.                  “We  are  using  two  Fanuc  er-4ia
                                                     into  advanced  manufacturing   Courses  in  place  or  planned  include   robots, one Fanuc CrX-5ia robot, and soon
        Luther High School                           career  pathways  at  the  local   introduction to industrial robotics, Mecha-  we will be getting a Fanuc arc Mate welding
            in January 2024 luther high school cel-  technical college.         tronics, industrial Controls, iiot (industrial   robot as well. being an introductory course,
        ebrated the opening of a new education center,   “luther  high  school  is  very  grateful   internet of things), Welding, C&C Machin-  our students are learning about how to jog
        which is the home of a brand-new initiative that   to the ronald and Joyce Wanek Foundation,   ing, alternative energy, and more. students   the robot (moving the robot manually) and
        focuses on advanced Manufacturing learning   along with our community partners, for their   will  be  learning  industrial  robot  program-  program the robot (have the robot perform
        and steM (science, technology, engineering   generous gift that will expand our practical   ming, and various mechatronics skills such   tasks  by  itself),”  said  brandon  Gjestvang,
        and Math) education.  Within the school’s new   arts curriculum,” stated Phil Punzel, luther   as  pneumatics,  hydraulics,  electrical  con-
        center,  the  ronald  &  Joyce  Wanek  Founda-  high school Principal. “We are excited to   trols,  data  processing,  PlC  programming,   Continued on page 12

        technical education equipment grants Continued from page 1

        st. Croix Central school district   school district of Monroe           prairie du Chien area school district  school district of lomira
        St. Croix County | $50,000          Green County | $50,000              Crawford County | $50,000          Dodge County | $24,751
                        the  school  district  will          the school district will        the school district will use           the school district will
                    use  grant  funds  to  acquire       use  grant  funds  for  Mul-     grant funds for industry 4.0 Fun-     use grant funds for a FaNuC
                    a  Fanuc  robotic  Weld  Cell        tiprocess  Miller  Welders       damentals learning systems to         er-4ia  Fenceless  robot
                    arC  Mate  for  hands-on             XMt   350,   Millermatic         prepare  students  for  careers  in   Cert Cart, which is expected to double enroll-
                    experiential   learning   on   252 wire feed welders, and dynasty 210 tiG   manufacturing  processes,  automation,  and   ment in advanced manufacturing courses.
        equipment  in  technical  college  and  industry   Welders, enabling the school district to work   robotics.
        businesses.                         with  employers  and  the  technical  college  to                      school district of Milton
                                            provide manufacturing courses, certif cations,   Wausau school district  Rock County | $19,615
        Chilton school district             mentorship, and career exploration.  Marathon County | $12,062                       the school district will use
        Calumet County | $17,235                                                             the school district will use     grant funds to purchase a boss
                        the  school  district  will   fort atkinson school district       grant funds for an Af nia Dobot     table 4’x4’ CNC Plasma table
                    use grant funds for an epilog   Jefferson County | $10,011            bundle  and  FaNuC  er-4ia          and  hypertherm  Powermax
                    Fusion   laser   engraver,            the school district will use    Fenceless  robot  Cert  Cart,   45xp plasma cutter, giving students hands-on
                    engraver  air  Pump,  rim-        grant  funds  for  a  770M  CNC     allowing students to use authen-  experience with relevant industry equipment.
                    drive  rotary  attachment,        Mill  to  teach  students  how  to   tic industrial technology.
                    and  Vector  grid  and  Filter    set  up,  program,  and  use  the                            Wittenberg-Birnamwood school district
        system, providing students with more realistic   machine  for  program  design,  preparing  stu-  Hartford union High school district  Shawano County | $10,164
        production and manufacturing experiences.  dents for careers in manufacturing.  Washington County | $14,166                the  school  district  will
                                                                                               the  school  district  will     use  grant  funds  for  electrical
                                                                                           use grant funds for a FaNuC         and  plumbing  work  to  pur-
                                                                                           er-4ia   Fenceless   robot          chase  a  VC999  horizontal
                                                                                CE T  Cart  to  deliver  more  industry-def ned   thermal  Form  Packing  Machine,  creating  a
                                                                                certif cations and Waukesha County Technical   hands-on manufacturing experience.
                                                                                College credits.
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