Page 14 - MTWIFallWinter2024
P. 14

14                                                                                   eleCtroniC edition: WWW.ManufaCturingtodayWi.CoM

                     filling the need for Welders in the Kiel area Companies

                                                           gan.  Kiel  is  fortunate   lakeshore College, and the Kiel area school   a  10  credit  Industrial  Welding  Certificate
                                                           enough  to  be  within   district was born.             prior to graduating high school. students can
                                                           easy  travel  distance   the  plan  developed  during  the  weeks   earn the certificate by taking three welding
                                                           of  three  technical  col-  and  months  that  followed  was  imple-  courses offered through the tech ed depart-
                                                           leges.  this  provides   mented to advance a welding manufacturing   ment, providing the potential for 9 of the 10
                                                           our students with many   pathway for Kiel high school students. this   credits. students work through the welding
                                                           opportunities  for  post-  pathway  created  an  opportunity  for  Kiel   courses  on  an  individual,  self-paced  basis
                                                           secondary  learning,  if   students  allowing  for  direct  entry  into  the   throughout  the  three  high  school  welding
                                                           desired.  our  district   workforce  with  the  skills  needed  to  fill  the   courses.  They  then  complete  the  certificate
                                                           is  also  fortunate  to  be   local jobs. because of continued effort by all   by taking a dual Credit technical math class
                                                           located  in  a  manufac-  parties involved, the welding facility at Kiel   through  the  math  department  at  Kiel  high
                                                           turing-rich   location,   high school was expanded to 16 welders and   school.  dual  credit  course  work  has  also
                                                           all  of  which  help  Kiel   booths with brand new equipment to match   expanded into other curricular areas offered
                                                           provide  a  plethora  of   lakeshore  College  equipment  and  require-  by the tech ed department including indus-
                                                           opportunities  for  stu-  ments. this expansion created a 1:1 student   try 4.0 and Mechanical design. Many of the
                                                           dents,  businesses,  and   to equipment ratio, allowing students to have   students also pair the coursework with Youth
                                                           teachers.            the  equipment  necessary  to  work  through   apprenticeship opportunities in many of the
                                                               the  expansion  of   the  program  successfully  and  in  a  timely   local companies.
                                                           the  welding  program   manner. back in the 2019-20 school year the   this program could not have been done
                                                           at  Kiel  high  school   program  started  small,  with  approximately   with  the  efforts  of  just  one  person.  it’s  the
                                                           started  back  in  the   10 students receiving one dual credit.  it has   partnership  with  our  local  businesses  and
                                                           2018-19  school  year   slowly  grown  into  the  current  program  of   technical colleges that help our school create
        Tech Ed Department                  when  one  local  company,  amerequip,  was   52 students during the 2024-25 school year   and  open  doors  for  our  students  and  their
        School District of Kiel             struggling to find welders to fill positions at   who are working through various levels and   future  employees.  We  need  to  send  out  a
            the  school  district  of  Kiel  is  located   their  manufacturing  facility.  they  reached   courses  of  the  program,  and  it  still  shows   big “thanks” to these businesses for helping
        midway between lake Michigan, lake Win-  out to the local high school and lakeshore   continued interest and growth into the future.   create these types of programs that allow for
        nebago, Green bay, and Milwaukee serving   College  to  see  what  they  could  do  to  fill   our  current  welding  program  offers   the  continued  growth  of  our  students  and
        approximately  1250  students,  K-12.  the   the  gap  in  their  personnel  shortage. at  the   many  dual  credit  opportunities  through   tech ed program here at Kiel high school.
        district is located at the intersection of three   meeting that was held, ideas were discussed   lakeshore  College  which  includes  the
        counties; Manitowoc, Calumet and sheboy-  and  the  partnership  between  ameriquip,   opportunity/potential  for  students  to  earn
                                                                                                                                Continued on page 36

        new Mobile Manufacturing lab ready to Hit the road

                                                                                  •  Programmable logic controller (PLC)   meaning there are good jobs available.”
                                                                                    machines                           these  jobs  are  available  today  with
                                                                                  •  Fanuc robot trainers          nearly 3,000 annual openings, and demand
                                                                                  •  Hydraulic systems             is  projected  to  continue.  according  to
                                                                                                                   the  Wisconsin  department  of  Workforce
                                                                                  •  AC/DC electrical trainers     development, demand will grow more over
                                                                                   students  can  master  15  different   the next 10 years in sheboygan and Mani-
                                                                                industry-relevant skills in welding, quality   towoc counties.
                                                                                assurance, CNC machine tooling, and elec-
                                                                                tro-mechanical  systems.  these  and  other  lakeshore College delivers the lab
                                                                                in-demand  manufacturing  skills  can  earn  & instructors
                                                                                workers  good  wages  right  from  the  start.   lakeshore  College  provides  instruc-
                                                                                lakeshore  area  manufacturing  workers  in   tors  and  delivers  the  mobile  lab  to  the
                                                                                2023 saw an entry wage of $17.75 per hour   schools  and  businesses.  technical  edu-
                                                                                with a median annual salary of $49,154.  cation  teachers,  other  educators,  and
                                                                                   Funding  for  the  lab  was  provided   businesses  interested  in  learning  more
                                                                                through  a  $1.64  million  Workforce  inno-  about what lakeshore and the lab can offer
            lakeshore  College’s  new  mobile   shows  over  90%  of  respondents  indicated   vation Grant program, in cooperation with   can visit
        manufacturing lab is on its way to directly   difficulty  locating  and  acquiring  talent.   the  Wisconsin  economic  development
        impacting  thousands  of  people,  including   lakeshore’s mobile lab helps address those   Corporation and department of Workforce
        high school students. how? Manufacturing   concerns.                    development.
        is the largest industry sector in lakeshore’s
        community,  providing  nearly  24,000  jobs   learning at school and the work-  students, schools and employers
        or  22%  of  total  jobs.  the  lab  is  helping  place makes it convenient  all benefit
        develop  workforce-ready  students  and   the mobile lab makes advanced manu-  “We’re  especially  excited  about
        graduates for these jobs.           facturing skills training and education more   having  schools host  the  lab and  attracting
            regional  manufacturing  employers   accessible  to  high  schools  and  businesses   students who are interested in high-paying,
        report a critical need to build a pipeline for   throughout the lakeshore community. the   stable career options,” says lucas dulmes,
        advanced  manufacturing  technicians.  the   self-contained,  climate-controlled  lab  can   lakeshore’s  associate  dean  of  economic
        Northeast  Wisconsin  Manufacturing  alli-  be equipped with:           development.  “Most  of  the  skills  we  can
        ance (NeWMa) 2024 Vitality index study                                  teach in the lab are hands-on and in-demand,
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